Well on 8 November 09, i had plan an outing for GFrens but only Nawawa and me could make it. So yeah, even only two of us. Plan should move on, i dont want to rot at home for straight 4 days sey. Later like that person say nakmo rot-rot at home, nanti busuk mcm tikos wth! hahaha.
So first stop, Arab Street. Took bus 7 to there, in the bus afew seat away infront from mine there an amor white guy in his early twenties somehow was looking at me from his side view. As i belief he dont want to make it obvious but somehow I notice it la, observant girl mah haha. Told Nawawa about that guy, then she say this, "Ahaha ye, amor-amor sume tengok dekat kau. Dekat mrt satu amor pun tak ade untuk aku" Haha Naw-Naw why la you so gaga over Amor, singapore got lots of mat-mat sey hee. Aites moving on, when for window shopping but some how one of the bag caught nawawa eye. She thought of bought it but the owner service very bad and rude, so she change her mind.
So second stop, Marina barrage. Had truckloads of fun, joy, laughter with her, took about two hundreds plus photography. Damn lots sia for two people and i dont even notice it hahaha. At the water playground was the most fun part, want to take photography at the water fountain. Ma turn first to take the photo and so we wait for the water to pop out for long period like tak de keje peh budak. When suddenly, water hole behind of me pop out and splash onto me haha. Bad sia Nawawa laugh at me non-stop.
Aites let some of our pic do the story telling^^...
Okiee take care, Go Golek Gelek Gerek Gaga!:)...