O Level result is out!
The book represent the education and the tracks is the path which I have to face the long way till the end to success life
The hearts represent the great passion i must have towards one of the courses which is the bubbles that i am illegable to.
After i have choosen one of the bubbles. It just matter of time with a great patience to succeed in life as patience is the only key to succeed.
Everyone should know that last monday is the release of O level result. Erm yah sad to say that i didn't make it to poly as ma English and Math was done badly. But apart of me was happy as i improve alot in ma Malay from C6 to B3 and i didn't expect to get B3 for F&N, syukur alhamdullilah. Overall, i manage to get 20 plus (pandai-pandai guess ar) points aye.
When i get the result, my heart was broken into pieces and ma thinking was whirling like a merry-go-round. Serious speaking i didn't what to do next. On the way home, bump into ma sister at the void deck.
Sister:Kak amacam? Pass?
Me:*sad face* Tak, kak tak dapat poly sey.
Me:*sad face* Tak, kak tak dapat poly sey.
Sister:Ehk! Kak tak mahu gi ITE ar!
Me:Abeh aku dah tak dapat masok poly ape leh buat kan.
At night, i was browsing through ma courses. Serious shit, i dont know what to choose and ma feeling that time was omg atyra you like no hope girl already sey. Then suddenly, Rudie name came across ma mind. At first i was in dilemma to contact him as i and him had lost contact about 4 months. Atlast i text him.
Me:Erm hellooo...
Then phone ring and answer it.
Rudie: Ape mimpi u msg i, terkejot i.
Me: Erm u... I fail rabak ar.
Rudie: Ape u ckp repeat!
Me:Erm erm i fail rabak didn't manage to get in poly.
Then phone ring and answer it.
Rudie: Ape mimpi u msg i, terkejot i.
Me: Erm u... I fail rabak ar.
Rudie: Ape u ckp repeat!
Me:Erm erm i fail rabak didn't manage to get in poly.
Rudie:U janji i ape?!?
Me:To pass ma o's and get into poly
Rudie:Abeh skg!
Me:To pass ma o's and get into poly
Rudie:Abeh skg!
Me:Chill la u, i dah done ma best sey. Abeh dah result keluar mcm nie.
Rudie:Okiee la u, dah la ape i leh buat kan skg. So nak amek ape course?
Me:Nie ar ma prob skg, i dont know sey.
Rudie:U lang i ape course u dpt, i lang u agos ke tak.
Me:Nie ar ma prob skg, i dont know sey.
Rudie:U lang i ape course u dpt, i lang u agos ke tak.
Me:Amcm tourism?
Rudie:Tu kan pat clementi! Kan jauh dari umah u.
Me:Abeh nak ape sey?
Rudie: Choose dekat ite simei la, leh gy skola ngn i.
Rudie: Choose dekat ite simei la, leh gy skola ngn i.
Me:Okiee lor! haha.
Lately been going ite simei the past two days to ask about the courses, what ma future will be and meet some frens haha sempat. I apply the courses already yesterday with the help of wan, amiliya fren. After talking about the courses with ma parent, frens and rudie. Ite wasn't bad at all,i think only a long path to poly.
Okiee to all O's frens, wish u all the best to a brighter future yeah!