Saturday, December 26, 2009

Imma StarLuver.


Before you find your handsome prince, you have to kiss a lot of frogs.
Currently, found this when i was playing with ma fortune cookie. Im not saying that i believe in fortune but this qoute kind of make sense aye. Everyone have to go through alot of up and down, sweet and sour moments in their love affair. Before they could settle down with the comfortable ones in their heart. Believe in love, its just a matter of time aites folks ^^.

Check time, about 1 am and im still have not tuck maself in bed. I was enjoying watching santa clause 2 actually. Guess what, i watch it thrice in this Christmas season haha. First i watch it at channel 5, second at Tv3(malaysia channel) and lastly at Sctv (indonesia channel) hahaha. Coincidence sia^^. After the movie ended could get maself to sleep and yah boredom strikes. Waliaooo! hate this feeling sia, then look at ma phone and and start comwhoring maself haha lol. Below are the result of boredom hahaha.

Aites, todae Norain came to ma house since i couldnt get maself out of the house. Reason is that ma famili had an invitation wedding from ma late grandfather site which live in johor. And i have to look after ma sister as the car is occupied with ma parent, grandmother and two of ma uncles. So yah, we watch dvd of Step up 2 and Coming Soon, talk-talk, joke- joke and old time favourite disturb ma sister hahaha. Oh ya, norian brought me a belated birthdae keychain and thanks norain:). Love it lots because got STAR! Imma Starluver ^^.

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Aites Take Care, Go Golek Gelek Gerek Gaga!:)