Currently boring at home. Walk to ma room saw ma youger sister drawing. Recall back, last time i touch drawing block was sec 2 haha. So to kill boredom, i draw haha. Result, like primary school drawing sia hahaha :).
Well around 1 am play msn bowling with ari. Won 4 match straight haha lol. Then about 2 am he call me, talk to him. Then he somehow he know that i dont really sound hyper like i use to. So yah, he force me to tell him everything. Finish story telling with him, he very mad at me. I get scolding from him for about 1hour plus, wah. I know that is ma fault as a girl that date with cyber fren that much. I told him, it wont happen again. He say that line so familiar atyra and you will do it again in the future. Cut it short after get scolding and hear his advice, we talk and talk. Check time 4.30am, so end call and get ma beauty sleep haha. Thanks ari for the advice and scolding, sayang kamu many-many ^^.
Found this at Syaf blog. Thanks Syaf ehk for the stand up, didnt know that your that daring to confront that guy. Sayang Kamu many-many^^.
Im so hating a guy right now. How can he say he treats her like one of his ex-gf? I mean , if she's like your ex-gf, might as well patah balik dgn ex kaw kan buduu. She's not even abit close. She's not easy like your ex gfs. She's decently innocent. Get what im saying? After i point out your mistakes, relek aja ckp 'Simple. I wont contact her anymore'. Kaw takda hak budu nak ckp gtu. Kaw da bodoh kape? Otak kaw sakit sial. You took advantage of her. If someone were to say that, that would be her not you. Lepas tu belit belit kan cerita. You're full of nonsense sia boy. Tunjukkan belang kaw suda keh.
Oh yaa, almost forget. Want to know why i didnt gave you second chance?
1) Syaf show me your conversation with her.
2) Wah treat me like your ex ehk? Dah biase per, hobby?
3) But since. She don't know how to be honest,I bet she don't know how to treat her future guy -Remember your saying about this.
The no. 3 is the most thingy that make me pissed off yah. 'F' sama lu ehk! That thing happen so fast and im shock la. Bimbo! Btw i know how to treat guys yah but not dickhead like you. Not satisfied, confront me aye.
Okiee take care, Go Golek Gelek Gerek Gaga!