Monday, February 8, 2010

I Move On.


About this guy, I having been texting, calling and dating him for about a year. I feel so complete, comfortable and so happy when he around me. But end up, I leave him around july last year when I got confront by a girl which i got to know his girlfriend. Yah gerek ar siol, kalau kenal 1 atau 2 bulan tu tak per nie nak dekat 1 tahun sey. Only god know how I feel that time and yah some more olevel is nearing at that point of time. But I manage to stay focus on O's. Then yesterdae after so long of lost contacting. He text me so random ar siol. After a few msg, he text me this fill question. The lime green is mine answer.

Fill it up:

I am nothin to you.

You have a nice humour.

You make me laugh wif ur lame jokes.

You should smiles always.

Someday I will bump into u again.

You + Me = Cyber fren.

If I saw you now I'd jus say hie and smiles.

I want to stay the way i are.

I would build a i dont know just for you.

If I could sing you any song it would be goodbye by kristina debarge.

We could not run under the rain(sliperry dok nanti jatoh haha)

A-tyra A-beh! Tak Sal-Sal

Actually i felt satisfied after typing these abit harsh words to him hahaha. I know he expecting sweet word from me, no more go to hell ar haha. After sending him back this fill up text, he call me. He say why you say im nothing to you sey? Why you say someday you will bump into me sey? Jgn mcm tu ar you. Why You + Me = Cyber Frens? Ckp la close frens ke. Why you say If I saw you now I'd would just say hie and smiles? rabak per ckp hie and smiles jek. What do you mean by say the way you are? Why lagu goodbye? sedih per. Haiya if follow ma heart i already 'F' you and go to hell at all blank sia but i dont because i remember of all our sweet moment and the way you cheer me up. I dont know what with him ar, he got girlfriend already if i not wrong now they 2 years plus but yet still text me and ouh ya he say I LOVE YOU yesterdae before i hang up the phone. Wth! come on I move on la.

That all folks, miss ma 3 bros sia.
Okiee Take Care Go Golek Gelek Gerek Gaga!:).