Monday, April 26, 2010

New Begin-ing!


Ehem! Sorie for MIA-ing due to freaking lazy and tired hahah. Thousand of apology aye people.

Yo people im back to freaking school mode. *Shake head*
Waking up early in morning and dragging myself to school. Is damn difficulties task for me haha.
Basically I'm always late for my first class everyday, like freaking 30 min to 1 hour haha. Gerek!

Oh let me tell about my first day of school, one word SUCKSSS!!! Didn't manage to make friend for the first two days and i get to experience how it feel to be loner hahaha. Lucky me about three days later i manage to make friend with beautiful ladies below sia. If not im gonna mia from school sia *prooof*. Oh ya I bump into my "Old Friend" Rudie. Which I feel uneasy as he saw me everytime I walk pass him sia. Haiya this guy ar *Slap Head* Moving on let the picture introduce you to my class advisor and my class buddies :).

Carrefour have been great, i mean like totally superb great. I have lots of buddies and laughter, it worth the sweat. They never failed to make me laugh with each one of their funny, weird and typical attitude plus joke hahahaha. We always make an outing everytime we get our salary which make us more closer weehee. For now, i wont quit my job until i feel like it. Yah.

Okiee Take Care, Go Golek Gelek Gerek Gaga! haha