My class suppose to start at 9am but i overslept. Then as usual ma phone always ring in the morning. My classmate msg tell me that there is no lesson until 2 which is freaking 3 hours sia. So yeah, i stay home better, If I go school i end up finishing ma money on food. Fucking serious sia, go Ite only must go co-op to buy snack. Munch here munch there hahahaha. So yah, i take this opportunities to update ma blog.
Well many outing have been occuiped ma life lately. Okiee lets start on 3 May, B1 call me asking me to cabot ma OSA and meet him, Ahmad, Sil, Ain at woodlands. So yah, i cabot and take bus 969 at Tampines to there. It was freaking 1 hour journey, ma butt cramp to max sia. I dont mind much about that. But the most annoying part is B1 say let go bugis, I was like Fuck la BUGIS! Ma butt cramp and now must take 45 minutes journey back to east side. Wah gerek! hahaha. So yah we headed to bugis B1 brought nail polish while I brought a top blouse liddat ar haha. Then B1 go home and the rest go Peninsular. Over there, I brought myself a jeans and bag, Ahmad brought 2 pair of jeans and 1 shirt, Sil a shirt and ain a shirt. After that we have our dinner at mac and head home.
This B1 while sleeping, haha i took this upclose pic haha
Then on 4 May is carrefourian montly outing, we meet up at vivo city. Some of us have our launch at Long John, Others i dont know. After dinner they wanna watch Iron man but some watch already sia -..- So Yah, end up watching Ip man la. The story not bad ar, there some funny part. I would give 6 out of 10. The movie end at 12am sia. Lucky me i got bus home hoho. Overall i have fun laughing with them. To Lem I want ma wallet photo size picture back la hahaha.
If i got time later, I will post about Amiliya birthdae celebration.
Btw before i forget Happy 18th Birthdae to ma bro Zahri and ma sis Amiliya. Dah besar perangai janagn nonsense ehk! haha
Okiee take care, Go Golek Gelek Gerek Gaga! haha